Partner yoga is a great way to get creative and enjoy practicing yoga. It allows you to connect with your partner-physically and mentally. You can workout together with you spouse, friend or anyone else. What is great about working with a partner is that you can do the same pose at the same time, intertwine a pose to create a new pose or just support each other during a routine.
Partner yoga also helps increase your strength because it allows you to use your partner's weight to increase resistance. It also helps you with proper alignment, balance and concentration. Besides, it great fun.
1. Chakrasana
Lie on your backs, bend your knees and place the feet flat on the floor. Press the feet into the floor for support, inhale and lift the hips up, rolling the spine off the floor. Place the palms underneath the shoulders and press and straighten the arms to lift the shoulders and head off the floor. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
Benefits: This asana strengthens and tones the muscles of the abdominal region and helps regulate the digestive function. It also acts as a natural stimulant for the thyroid and pituitary glands.
2. Sarvangasana
Lie on the mat and raise your hips and legs to a 90 degree angle. Make sure only your upper backs are in contact with the mat and hold hands for balance. Your legs should act as support for one another. Now, one of you can bend your knees to further stretch the hamstrings and support the other better.
Benefits: This asana helps you in cure ailments related to bronchitis, asthma, heavy breathing and shortness in breath. It also aids digestion.
3. Ekpadhalasana
Lie in a supine position on the mat. Hold hands for balance and raise your legs to a 90 degree angle. Make sure only your upper backs are in contact with the mat. Now that you legs are up, slowly bring your opposite towards the floor. Hold that position for 10 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
Benefits: The Ekpadhalasana variation tones and strengthens your leg muscles, improves sense of balance and helps sharpen.
4. Matsyasana
Lie down in a supine position on the floor, keeping your forearms in place and puffing up your chest. Drop the crown of your head back to the floor to open your throat. Hold the position for 20 seconds. To come out, press into your forearms and raise your head off the mat.
Benefits: This asana is excellent for strengthening your lower back muscles, abdominal muscles and boosting the respiratory and digestive systems.
5. Bhujangasana
Place two mats on the floor and lie down in a prone position. Place your hands on the sides, just next to your chest, with your palms firmly pressed on the floor. Using your hands for support, slowly lift your torso off the ground and looking up to the ceiling. Feel the stretch in your back. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
Benefits: This move stretches the muscles in the shoulders, chest and the abdominal area. It also firms up and tones the buttocks while stimulating the organs in the abdomen.
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